Over and out, 2016!


“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” ― Brad Paisley

What a year it has been! G’bye 2016. It’s been a slice.

Many blessings for 2017 and may tonight’s New Year’s Eve celebration be filled with laughter, good food, plenty of bubbly libation, and the company of those you hold dear!

And, as always, a very special shout-out to my family and friends across the globe.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the first of my annual seven New Year’s Revelations (not to be confused with resolutions!).  And a new chapter begins ….





In Memoriam 2016 – the loved and the lost

“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”

– John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent


For it is in Giving that we Receive


(Photo Credit: by Ed Yourdon from New York City, USA (Helping the homeless  Uploaded by Gary Dee)  via Wikimedia Commons)

“Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.” – Henry James

As we count our blessings this holiday season, please remember that there are millions and millions of people – around the world – who are hungry, homeless, displaced, discouraged and lonely.

In this, the season of giving, please do what you can to help a neighbor, a stranger, a family in your community.

Donate food, clothing, blankets and toys to your local missions.  Help out at your local food bank. Share your Christmas feast with someone less fortunate.

If you dine in restaurants, give your leftovers (that you would normally take home) to the homeless man or woman huddled on the sidewalk. Don’t pass them by, averting your face.  Show them compassion.

Spread a little Hope and Kindness.

After all, this is the season of Light… is it not?

May the true meaning of the holiday season fill your hearts and homes with many blessings.  Remember to take time to slow down and enjoy the simple things. I wish you, dear readers, much happiness today and throughout the New Year.

Blessings and Warmest Wishes,
